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Kwanzaa in July - Los Angeles, California - July 22, 2006

The 20th Anniversary of Piano Play Music Systems of Sherman Oaks, California was celebrated on Saturday, July 22, 2006 at the Los Angeles Valley College Music Auditorium. The festivities were based upon the celebration of Kwanzaa and highlighted by the music of the Nguzo Saba, Songs for Children by Judith M. Baity.

An ensemble of twelve children accompanied by the Kabasa West African Dance and Drum Ensemble and Ms. Baity on the piano sang eight songs, each representing and explaining the seven social and spiritual principles of Kwanzaa including a reprise of the foundation principle, UMOJA. The seven principles, in order, are UMOJA, KUJICHAGULIA, UJIMA, UJAMAA, NIA, KUUMBA and IMANI. The songs are meant to bring a greater understanding of the Kwanzaa principles to children as well as adults. A CD of the Nguzo Saba will be released later this fall.

  • Entire ensemble
  • Entire ensemble
  • Jai Jae Kabasa and Judith Baity.
  • Kabasa Ensemble with Judith Baity.
  • Miguel, Ethan, Ensemble Member, and Gavin
  • Sheridan, Sayahn, Alladia and Amir.
  • Sherian, Sayahn, Alladia, Pamala and Amir.
  • Matthew, Carlos, Shivon and Ona.
  • Tchakaba Dancer with Kwanzaa Ensemble.
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